Category Archives: Buntzen Lake Blog

Buntzen Lake Pipeline

There is an old pipeline you may encounter when hiking the trails around Buntzen Lake. The most common areas to see it are near the pumphouse and on the way up the Diez Vistas Trail.

The Buntzen Lake Pumphouse (shown below) pumps freshwater from Buntzen Lake to the Burrard Thermal Generating Station, 6 km south of Buntzen Lake (Seen next below)…

Burrard Pumphouse

Burrard Generating Station

The old pipeline, which had a diameter of 20 cm (8 inches) , was replaced with a larger 12-inch underground pipeline. The Burrard Thermal Generating Station, which has been in operation since the early 1960s and is slated to be closed in 2016, uses the water for boiler make-up, fire protection, domestic (potable) use and other plant cooling services. Below are a couple views of the old pipeline…



Below is a view of the old pipeline (nicely cut, so we don’t have to do the limbo) as seen on the trail up to Diez Vistas…

Old pipe line

While exploring around I found this interesting apparatus on the pipeline…

Interesting aparatus on pipeline

Near the pumphouse, the old pipeline exits a 30 inch diameter pipe of 25 m in length as seen below. This may have been for backflow prevention, but that’s just a guess.

Pipeline leaves 25 m length section with a 30 inch diameter

Below is a neat detail look at the coupling clamps on the pipeline…

Pipeline connection

Fungi at Buntzen Lake

The forests around Buntzen Lake offer great growing spots for fungi of all types. I’m a fun guy, but I’m not a fungi expert ! So, if you know the name of these mushrooms, please leave a comment.

The best variety can be found in October and November, but you can find them all year long.  Below are a group of mushrooms on the side of a tree…

Diez Vistas - Lakeview Trail Hike

The next photo shows how these ‘shrooms have taken over the trunk of this tree !

Diez Vistas - Lakeview Trail Hike

The next photo below shows a plethora of mushrooms growing out of an old tree stump…

Diez Vistas - Lakeview Trail Hike

The next three photos are more mushrooms I’ve encountered on the trails…




Below is a interesting yellow fungus, which can be seen all over the park…

Yellow fungus

In the photo below, it looks like this fungi is sweating !

Sweaty mushrooms

Below are some tiny mushrooms seen all over the park…

Tiny mushrooms

I’m not sure what the next one is, but I saw it on an old stump on the Lakeview Trail…


Here is a small mushroom I found on the end of a dead tree…


The next mushroom looks fairly normal ??? …


The next 2 photos show white fungus on a tree and then a close up of the fungus…

Small mushrooms on tree

Detail of small mushrooms on tree

Below are some funky orange mushrooms I found on the east side of the Buntzen Lake Trail…

Orange Mushroom